Montréal, le 18 octobre 2021. Les Pollués de Montréal-Trudeau (LPMT) invitent les citoyennes et les citoyens a profiter de l’élection municipale pour évaluer le bilan des uns et les engagements de tous, en ce qui concerne les pollutions causées par le trafic aérien qui survole jour et nuit le ciel de Montreal. LPMT rappellent les … Continue reading Élections municipales le 7 novembre prochain: une occasion à saisir par les citoyens pour interroger les candidats et pour examiner leurs engagements
Libération – Pollution sonore: le bruit coûterait à la France 156 milliards d’euros par an
July 22nd, 2021 - French article
JDV – Appel à l’aide des Pollués de MTL-Trudeau pour mettre fin à leur boulet financier
August 10th, 2021 - French article
JDV – Les Pollués de Montréal call out to Ottawa
January 10th, 2021 - French article
Financial contributions are more important than ever to contest the night time flights to and from Montreal Trudeau Airport Montreal,
September 17th, 2020. Last August 6th, Les Pollués de Montréal-Trudeau (LPMT) learned that the Quebec Superior Court had rejected their request to prevent airplane landings and take-offs at Montreal Trudeau Airport between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. Beginning in 2012, LPMT have been leading a campaign to allow Montreal citizens to have a peaceful sleep, … Continue reading Financial contributions are more important than ever to contest the night time flights to and from Montreal Trudeau Airport Montreal,
The elected officials of Ahuntsic Cartierville refuse to support a curfew at Montreal-Trudeau airport: a missed opportunity with democracy and citizens’ health
Press release in French Montréal, le 17 juin 2020. Lundi 8 juin dernier les Pollués de Montréal-Trudeau (LPMT) profitent de la période de question du conseil d’arrondissement, pour demander aux é de faire front avec des milliers de citoyen.nes, afin de dire au gouvernement Trudeau : « Le bruit des avions la nuit c’en est assez. … Continue reading The elected officials of Ahuntsic Cartierville refuse to support a curfew at Montreal-Trudeau airport: a missed opportunity with democracy and citizens’ health
Valérie Plante Refuses to Discuss Major Problems Related to Montréal-Trudeau Airport Activities
Montréal, mardi 17 mars 2020. Pour une deuxième fois en 2 ans madame Valérie Plante, mairesse de Montréal, refuse d’entendre les préoccupations de milliers de citoyens portées sur la place publique par les Pollués de Montréal-Trudeau (LPMT). Pour LPMT, cela ressemble à une démission. En novembre dernier LPMT sollicitait un rendez-vous auprès de madame Valérie … Continue reading Valérie Plante Refuses to Discuss Major Problems Related to Montréal-Trudeau Airport Activities
New Legal Actions against Airport Nuisance: A New Step Taken by Les Pollués de Montréal-Trudeau
January 16th, 2019. Les Pollués de Montréal-Trudeau (LPDMT) are announcing that it has engaged the services of Mr. Gérard Samet, lawyer, from Azran and Associates inc., to initiate the following legal proceedings. A request for a declaratory judgment concerning the obligations of Aéroports de Montréal (ADM) with respect to: 1- the curfew, as well as … Continue reading New Legal Actions against Airport Nuisance: A New Step Taken by Les Pollués de Montréal-Trudeau
$4.5 billion expansion project at Montréal-Trudeau Airport: Les Pollués de Montréal-Trudeau call on the Health Minister of Canada
Montreal, February 15th, 2019. Les Pollués de Montréal-Trudeau sent a letter to the Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Federal Minister of Health, regarding the $4.5-billion expansion and renovation project announced by Aéroports de Montréal (ADM) on April 30, 2018. Les Pollués asked Ms. Petitpas Taylor to hold a public consultation on this project. According to Pierre … Continue reading $4.5 billion expansion project at Montréal-Trudeau Airport: Les Pollués de Montréal-Trudeau call on the Health Minister of Canada
New actions in the courts against airport nuisance: Les Pollués de Montréal-Trudeau launch a Crowdfunding campaign
January 16th, 2019. Les Pollués de Montréal-Trudeau announce the launching of a crowdfunding campaign on GoFundMe, to cover the costs relating to the new actions for a declaratory judgement on the curfew and the ADM expansion project of 4.5G$. Given the fact that these actions are not funded by the Fonds d'aide financière aux actions … Continue reading New actions in the courts against airport nuisance: Les Pollués de Montréal-Trudeau launch a Crowdfunding campaign